Why you should Use Videos to Improve your Digital Marketing Strategy

The concept of video marketing is not new. Almost every marketer is leveraging the power of video to enhance their marketing strategy. Some of them are creating high-quality explainer videos to express the products, while others are producing compelling product videos to grab the visitors’ attention. 

Have a look at some of the statistics highlighting the demand for videos in this world;

  • 54% of people love to watch video content from the brand.
  • 87% of marketers are using videos as marketing tools. 
  • 88% of marketers are successful in generating ROI by sharing videos on social media.
  • 74% of marketers successfully download software or applications after watching a product video. 

Well, all the above strategies are enough to inspire you to get excellent videos. Still, if you are not satisfied and looking for various reasons that ensure you to get interactive videos, then no worry, you are in the right place.


Below are some of the reasons by going through which you can quickly decide whether you should incorporate videos in your marketing strategy or not.

6 Reasons Why you should use videos Marketing in 2021

Let’s begin…

Boost your search engine optimization

According to the HubSpot research, it is found that 65% of business executives view a brand video before visiting the website. It shows that if you have high-quality video content, then you can easily drive traffic to your website and boost click-through rate. And these two are the major factors that help you rank higher on Google. The higher the number of traffic and clicks, the better you rank in the search engine results. 

Videos are also responsive across multiple devices and help Google to prioritize the pages; therefore, everyone in this era is adopting videos as a part of marketing strategy. So, whenever you create a video for your marketing campaign, make sure you keep it short and optimized because precise and clear videos have more chances to be in the top searches of google. 

Retain viewers for longer

Almost every marketer aims to create a strategy that engages the visitors and inspires them to stay on the website pages for longer. According to the statistics, it is found that people spend 88% more time on websites that include videos. 

The more people land on your website, the lesser the bounce rate and higher the website ranking because Google believes that people usually land on websites that offer high quality and useful content. 

People also love watching videos other than normal content because it is more entertaining and has the power to explain more powerful content in less time. So, if you also want people to better retain your shared information, then start crafting appealing video content as it will help you reach your target audience and generate sales.

Videos are more shareable

Another way to reach prospects is by increasing the number of shares to the post. More the shares, the higher the chances that people view and click on the respective post. And when it comes to social sharing, then videos come at the top. 

According to the statistics, it is found that social videos get 1200 times more shares as compared to other forms of content.

Now, you might be thinking about what exactly makes video highly shareable? Well! Besides its entertainment factor, it also helps the marketers in adding value to their brand. Always remember, once you successfully build your website authority over the web, you can easily maximize your marketing budget. 

So, whenever you sit with your marketing and video team, make sure you discuss what type of video will work best for your brand. Because if you share the right video at the right time, then you can easily inspire people to visit your website.  

Grabs visitors attention 

There are no two opinions that video content is more powerful than long and boring text. As it is a perfect combination of auditory and visual sense, it becomes easy to catch the visitors’ eyes.

You will be surprised to know that visuals get processed 60,000 times faster than other forms of content. If you want to attract more people and make them remember your shared information for longer, there is no better way than videos. 

Always remember, the more people get attracted to your website, the chance to convert them into potential customers increases. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating captivating videos to share the message with more people at a single time. 

Build Visitors Trust

It would not be wrong to say that trust is the foundation of every business, and building trust over the web is one of the most difficult tasks. But with videos, you can easily inspire people to trust your website. From the statistics, it is found that after watching videos, 57% of the customers started trusting in the brand. 

 If you successfully generate visitors’ trust, you can easily convert the customers into promoters. So, if you want people to believe in your brand, start improving how you represent your services. The better you represent and share, the easier it would be to improve the business revenue. 

Boost Conversion rate

Better lead conversion is another reason why people are using videos over other forms of content. Animated videos are one of the most productive and cost-effective approaches to boost the conversion rate. As per the research, it is found that the marketers who are using videos in their landing pages have seen an 80% improvement in the conversion rate. 

It is rightly said that attracting visitors to the website is one thing and inspiring them to make a purchase is another. Are you struggling to motivate people buy your product or services? If yes, then your struggle is over as video marketing is here. 

Appealing videos have more power to engage visitors and escalate sales. So, if you want to catch visitors’ eyes in a short span of time, then incorporate videos into your marketing strategy. 

Still want to explore more trends that will help you boost your marketing, and then don’t miss reading these 12 exciting B2B marketing trends

The Last say 

I hope all the above reasons are enough to make you believe the importance of videos in the marketing world. Video marketing is an ever-evolving field. If your videos are strong, then you can ensure your company in the top searches of Google. 

Videos have the potential to attract visitors, build trust, boost conversions, promote the brand, increase revenue, and many more. 

Also, suppose you are pondering over how to create high-quality explainer videos for your marketing strategy, then no worries. In that case, various video production companies will help you provide excellent videos at the best prices. Still, if you want any suggestions or want to add any point to the above list, feel free to share in the comments below.

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